Best Practice: to Include the Complete Certificate Chain in the KeyStore
Let's start from an example. Considering the following certification path, TrustAnchor issues IntermediateCert, and IntermediateCert issues EndEntiryCert. TrustAnchor | Subject: CN=TrustAnchor, OU=Example.COM V Issuer : CN=TrustAnchor, OU=Example.COM IntermediateCert | Subject: CN=Intermediate, OU=Example.COM V Issuer : CN=TrustAnchor, OU=Example.COM EndEntiryCert Subject: CN=EndEntiry, OU=Example.COM Issuer : CN=Intermediate, OU=Example.COM In practice, I noticed that some smart card vendor may only import the end entity certificate into the store [1]. That is to say, for this example, the smart card only store EndEntiryCert. To build a certification path, the application will have to find a way to retrieve the intermediate certificate. It's not always easy for the application programmers. Yes, I have to say, it is possible, but it does not sound like the worthwhile ef...